Saturday, November 7, 2009

Reflection on OP

The final presentation is finally over and I would like to take the chance to thank my group members, Wang Ting and Jessica for giving me support and encouragement during the entire process.

With regards to my performance during oral presentation, I was a bit disappointed with my performance because I felt that I could have done better. I evaluated myself based on the following:


In preparation for the presentation, the group met up several times for rehearsals. Through these rehearsals, we seek to improve by feedbacking on each other’s performance.. We also timed ourselves to manage our time better. During the rehearsals, I made many mistakes, such as constantly looking at my cue cards and the screen, which I tried to rectify and I saw improvements in my performance. However, I felt that there was still room for improvements.

Delivery of speech and Use of slide ware

Considering some of the 7Cs, I was courteous during my presentation and had greeted everyone and thanked the three “invited guest”. However, my introduction of them could have been warmer and with more enthusiasm. In addition, I should have thanked the audience before passing on to the next speaker.

For “Clarity”, I managed to speak loudly and clearly in my presentation. However, I felt that I was not engaging enough. Being the first speaker, my role was to “sell” our proposed website, hence I felt that I should have tried to engage the audiences more and stir up interest for the idea. In addition, even though I consciously tried to intonate my voice, my tone was still monotonous.

In addition, with regards to the non-verbal cues, I felt that my eye contact was not sufficient. Firstly, I had difficulty in proceeding onto the next slide as I was not familiar with the slide controller. This made it difficult for me to use the laser pointer to refer to where I am talking about. Secondly, it was difficult to hold onto the controller and my cue cards while speaking, and ensuring that my slides were in the correct order while I was speaking, I felt that my coordination was lacking. As such, it caused me to lose eye contact with the audience as I constantly needed to look at my slides to make sure that they were correct and also refer to cue cards when I lose track of what I was saying. But overall, I managed to engage myself with the three “invited guest”.

I felt that I had done my best during the oral presentation, though I was disappointed and felt that with more preparation and less nervousness, I could have done better. However, it was a valuable experience and from it, I know what I can improve on in the future.


At November 9, 2009 at 2:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen,

I apologize if i couldn't stay throughout your team's performance but nonetheless, here's a little comment on your individual performance.

1) You were very calm and composed throughout your presentation and this was indeed a good sign that showed confidence and knowledge of content.

2) Your body posture was a little too stiff. It would have been great if you could relax a little and show more animated facial expression and probably have body gestures to display a more enthusiastic you!

3) I was shocked when you said "After talking so much..". Oh my! That was a bad move. I believe what you meant to say was "Having said all that ... " or "Bearing in mind all of the points i've just mentioned in the previous slides...".

3) Last but not least, keep up the good work! You've definitely improved in overall presentation delivery.


At November 9, 2009 at 6:29 AM , Blogger Eileen said...

Hi Ariff

Thanks for commenting and the encouragement. Yes,being the first speaker, I was indeed very nervous during my presentation. I can feel my heart is pumping very fast and my mind was a bit loss. I guess that is the reason why I looked stiff and lack of enthuastism. Since my part was to "sell the website", I feel that I could have been more engaging and showed more enthuatism. I will try to improve on that. Secondly, I could not think of a proper transition word and blunted out a "after talking so much", by right it should be "after sharing the website with you..."The word made it sound rude and unprofessional. I will take note on that. Lastly, thanks for the encouragement and pointing out the mistakes I made, I will try to work on those weakness and improve myself in the future.

At November 9, 2009 at 7:53 AM , Blogger Keerth said...

Hi Elieen,

I think you did good job in your presentation. Like Ariff, I also felt that you should not have said ‘after talking so much’, but I guess during presentations it is common to not get the right words to say. Apart from this mistake I think you did very well, I liked your composure throughout the presentation. Just a suggestion, maybe you should try to look at the audience as a whole and not just one person. I felt you were looking in one direction throughout. Your slides were very unique, since you had used a sample website to explain what you were saying I think it made your entire presentation more engaging. In terms of visuals your slides were really good unlike the usual ppt templates used by most. Cya in class.


At November 9, 2009 at 10:04 AM , Blogger Xin Wei said...

Hi Eileen,

You have presented at a comfortable pace and the flow of your presentation was clear and effective.

It is understandable that there is alot of pressure on the first speaker because you would need to start off well and effectively capture the audience attention. Try not to give yourself too much pressure and just give your best shot. :)

I have to agree that it is tough trying to ensure that the cue cards are in the same order as the slides. Perhaps, you should try to reduce reliance on cue cards and use the key words on the slides to retrieve memory of points you would like to make.

All in all, your group's presentation is clear and concise. Perhaps you all could consider getting a team member to regulate the Q&A session so that all of you have an equal chance to speak.

Xin Wei

At November 10, 2009 at 9:06 AM , Blogger wx said...

Dear Eileen,

After hearing your group’s presentation, it was a clear and well prepared proposal. The portion that you presented concise and adequately elaborated. The pace of your presentation was smooth and well planned. The transition from your part to Wang Ting was not abrupt, facilitating your group’s flow.

However here are just some minor pointers you could consider.
Firstly, your introduction was a bit tad too long. I was kind of lost halfway in your elaboration which was sufficient but I was not able to clearly see their relevance. Maybe you could consider linking some of the information to your proposal? Next, other than the minor error of your choice of words (“talking too much”, which I believed because you were nervous) you tend to mumble/drift off in a softer tone towards the end of some part of your presentation. The tone was bit strange but maybe it was due to the nervousness and reliance on cue cards. Nonetheless, your Q&A was well prepared and you came off as an earnest speaker, handling the questions very well.

Overall, you came off as a good speaker that is courteous and nice. You managed to convince others about your proposal in a non-coercive way. It was a pleasant experience hearing you and your group’s presentation.

Wei Xiong

At November 10, 2009 at 9:40 AM , Blogger huiyi said...

Dear Eileen,

Your group had done a great job for this whole presentation! The content presented was definitely relevant and different as compared to other groups as your team had provided a “tangible” example of your group’s proposed product. To further improve on future presentations, your group could consider starting with an introduction instead of going straight into the proposed product. This would allow the audience to have a clearer picture of the background of your group’s presentation.

As for your individual performance, there was good use of emphasis and language during the delivery of your content and you definitely sounded confident. However, you could have more eye contact with the audience as I felt that you tend to focus too much on your cue cards and the screen instead of the audience. Nevertheless, this was a good presentation, so keep up the good work!


At November 10, 2009 at 5:07 PM , Blogger Eileen said...

To keerth: Thanks for commenting. I agreed that my focus was mainly on one side of the class as I had to make sure that I was on the correct slide as I present. But I should have also have more eye contact with the the audience. I will take note and try to improve on that.

To Xin Wei: Thanks for the comment and the encouragement. I will take note of the points you mentioned. In addition, I was nervous at the Q&A session and this cause me to be unable to react to the Q&A even though I have some points in mind. I will try to build up on my confidence level and improve on it.

To Wei Xiong: Thanks for the comment. I was indeed too nervous and cause some mumbling during my presentation. But during the presentation, you, being the "invivited guest" had gave me confidence when you nodded when I finished a point. As for the introduction, I guess it's because I speak a bit too fast causing it to be confusing. I will try to improve on that.

To Huiyi:Thanks for commenting.I understand that it was a bit confusing when we go direct into our proposed website but our slides were arranged this way because we try to let the "invivited guest" have a visual look on our proposed website instead of a imagination. In addition, we tried to make our slides more interestig to the audience by having introduction and results after our proposed website as the "invivited guest" were assumed to have read through our proposal.Perhaps it is also the way I presented that had make it more confusing and I would try to improve on that. Also, I agree that I did not have sufficient eye contact and I will try to improve on that too.Thanks.



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